Crate stdsimd [] [src]

SIMD and vendor intrinsics support library.

This documentation is only for one particular architecture, you can find others at:


The simd module exposes portable vector types. These types work on all platforms, but their run-time performance may vary depending on hardware support.

The vendor module exposes vendor-specific intrinsics that typically correspond to a single machine instruction. In general, these intrinsics are not portable: their availability is architecture-dependent, and not all machines of that architecture might provide the intrinsic.

Two macros make it possible to write portable code:

  • cfg!(target_feature = "feature"): returns true if the feature is enabled in all CPUs that the binary will run on (at compile-time)
  • cfg_feature_enabled!("feature"): returns true if the feature is enabled in the CPU in which the binary is currently running on (at run-time, unless the result is known at compile time)


#![feature(cfg_target_feature, target_feature)]

extern crate stdsimd;
use stdsimd::vendor;
use stdsimd::simd::i32x4;

fn main() {
    let a = i32x4::new(1, 2, 3, 4);
    let b = i32x4::splat(10);
    assert_eq!(b, i32x4::new(10, 10, 10, 10));
    let c = a + b;
    assert_eq!(c, i32x4::new(11, 12, 13, 14));
    assert_eq!(sum_portable(b), 40);
    assert_eq!(sum_ct(b), 40);
    assert_eq!(sum_rt(b), 40);

// Sums the elements of the vector.
fn sum_portable(x: i32x4) -> i32 {
    let mut r = 0;
    for i in 0..4 {
        r += x.extract(i);

// Sums the elements of the vector using SSE2 instructions.
// This function is only safe to call if the CPU where the
// binary runs supports SSE2.
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
#[target_feature = "+sse2"]
unsafe fn sum_sse2(x: i32x4) -> i32 {
    let x = vendor::_mm_add_epi32(x, vendor::_mm_srli_si128(x.into(), 8).into());
    let x = vendor::_mm_add_epi32(x, vendor::_mm_srli_si128(x.into(), 4).into());

// Uses the SSE2 version if SSE2 is enabled for all target
// CPUs at compile-time (does not perform any run-time
// feature detection).
fn sum_ct(x: i32x4) -> i32 {
    #[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"),
              target_feature = "sse2"))]
        // This function is only available for x86/x86_64 targets,
        // and is only safe to call it if the target supports SSE2
        unsafe { sum_sse2(x) }
    #[cfg(not(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"),
              target_feature = "sse2")))]

// Detects SSE2 at run-time, and uses a SIMD intrinsic if enabled.
fn sum_rt(x: i32x4) -> i32 {
    #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
        // If SSE2 is not enabled at compile-time, this
        // detects whether SSE2 is available at run-time:
        if cfg_feature_enabled!("sse2") {
            return unsafe { sum_sse2(x) };


This crate is intended for eventual inclusion into the standard library, but some work and experimentation is needed to get there! First and foremost you can help out by kicking the tires on this crate and seeing if it works for your use case! Next up you can help us fill out the vendor intrinsics to ensure that we've got all the SIMD support necessary.

The language support and status of SIMD is also still a little up in the air right now, you may be interested in a few issues along these lines:


pub use coresimd::__unstable_detect_feature;



Platform independent SIMD vector types and operations.


Platform dependent vendor intrinsics.



Is a feature supported by the host CPU?